So excited to bring you my first Boxed Set No 1 for the SEAL Brotherhood series. Just went on sale today at Amazon. There is a special introductory price too. Now you can read the prequel and the full length novel for less than the price of the novel alone.
Enjoy. More exciting news later.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Author Inverview: Jerrie Alexander

Sharon, thank you for hosting me today. I look forward to visiting and will be around all day.
What genres do you write
and why? Anything interesting about how you got started?
My first love has always
been romantic suspense. I tried my hand at a couple of contemporary romances.
Both will forever stay hidden. So for now, I'm sticking with what I do best,
which is killing people. Hypothetically, of course)
I can't remember a time
when I wasn't interested in writing. Majored in journalism but my desire to
embellish quickly turned me to fiction. Life, love, family, and career
intervened, and I wouldn't change that for the world. In fact, I think it
helped me when I buckled down and concentrated on writing.
Do you like writing in series,
or single?

Did you get “the call” or
did you get the call to “go Indie?"
I sold to a small press
first. The Green-Eyed Doll, The Last Execution, and Someone To Watch Over Me
are published by The Wild Rose Press. But it will be Indie for me going forward.
I like the idea of being in control of my schedule, covers, editing, and
Who is your favorite
character you've created? Why?
Boy, that's a tough one. May
I use the no name dog from The Green-Eyed Doll? I don't plot so it didn't
surprise me when a stray mutt wandered up and befriended my hero. He'd eat the
sheriff's food but wouldn't allow him to touch him. That dog wound up playing a
significant role in the book.
Do you find it easier to
write the bad boys or the good boys? I'm assuming both are heroic, but which
ones are more fun to write?
Bad boys for sure! I love
writing a hero who has a troubled past and inner demons to overcome. They're
hotter, more dangerous, and a lot more fun for the heroine to tame. Or at least
she'll try to tame him.
What about the heroines?
Do you find it easiest to write the bad girls or the good girls?
I haven't written a bad
girl. Not yet. :) My heroines have been through hell in one form or another and
are stronger because of their experiences. They wind up in trouble, but don't
always rely on someone else to come save them.
If you could have a date
with one of your characters, which one would it be and why? Where would you go?
Not fair! I love each one
more than the last while I'm writing them. I'd take any of them and head to the
beach. Warm water, white sand, and a sexy hunk...I'd be happy.
If you could go to a
desert island with two companions, who would you bring? What would you do
there? What would you bring if you could bring anything?
You said go to a
desert island as in voluntary, not that I'd be stranded, right? So immediately,
Gerard Butler popped into my mind!
Okay, I'd take two well
trained SEALS. Which by the way, I was fortunate to work with a young man who
was a SEAL. He's my go to guy on anything that shoots or blows up!
I'd bring a working
satellite phone, replacement battery, snorkeling equipment, and enjoy myself.
I'd buy my husband a new
bass boat. Can you believe those things can cost 40K? It's like buying a SUV.
He'd be over the moon excited to replace his boat with a new one.
Tell us something about
you that most people wouldn't know or guess about you?
That once upon a time I
sang lead in a band. We played Lions Club dances, proms, etc. It was great fun
and will always be a good memory.
Who are your favorite
Linda Howard's Death
Angel!! That book will forever and always be in my collection. And Cherry
Adair, anything she writes is great. My guilty pleasure is historical fiction
by Elizabeth Hoyt.
What are you working on
I am 23K words into a new
romantic suspense. Working title The Last Tear Drop. I read an FBI profile
about erotomania and it peaked my interest. This is way past having a stalker.
To prove himself worthy, the villain kills anyone he thinks causes the object
of his affection trouble. But when he discovers she's never going to love him,
he feels betrayed and all hell breaks loose!
Excerpt: The Last Execution
Ethan turned his head sideways as he studied J.T.’s
face. Wide eyed, the boy pointed at the scar with his index finger. J.T. wasn’t
surprised. The kid was probably curious.
you get that?”
piece of shrapnel—” He paused and considered Ethan’s age. “I was in the war. A
bomb went off and a piece of metal smacked me in the face.”
it hurt?”
anymore.” J.T. marveled at the innocence in Ethan’s eyes.
I touch it?”
guess so.” J.T. breathed in and waited. Ethan hesitated, leaning closer.
not supposed to talk about your scar.”
“It’s okay. I won’t tell.”
turned his head to the side. No one had outright asked to touch the constant
reminder of a day when his best friend caught the worst of an IUD. Hell, people
shied away from his right side. Except Leigh, she looked him square in the
face. He lay still while Ethan poked a finger into the scar a couple of times.
After a few seconds of investigation, the kid cupped the scar with his small
hand and patted lightly. The oddest thing happened to J.T.’s heart. It swelled
inside his chest and then clenched.
said you were a brave soldier.”
emotions swirled through J.T. and an unexplained urge to hug Ethan put a weird
lump in J.T.’s throat. Unable to cope or understand, his mind raced for an
idea, anything to end the moment.
The Last Execution blurb:
To survive, she must put
the past behind her. To love, she must learn to trust.
Homicide detective Leigh
McBride's first assignment with the FBI brings her face-to-face with a past
she's tried hard to forget. And when her temporary partner, a cynical
ex-marine, lights a fire in her she thought long-extinguished, her darkest
secret is threatened.
Scarred both physically
and emotionally, Special Agent J. T. Noble is a man of few words. He prefers to
keep people at a distance—until he meets Leigh. He's attracted to her strength
and drawn in by her secrecy. But in their line of work, secrets can be deadly.
When the killer they are
hunting aims his vigilante justice at Leigh's past assailant, the fine line
between right and wrong blurs. To heal the past—and find their future together—Leigh
and J. T. must learn that only through trust and forgiveness can love grow.
A student of creative writing in her youth, Jerrie set aside her passion when life presented her with a John Wayne husband, and two wonderful children. A career in logistics offered her the opportunity to travel to many beautiful locations in America, and she revisits them in her romantic suspense novels.
But the characters went with her, talked to her, and insisted she share their dark, sexy stories with others. She writes alpha males and kick-ass women who weave their way through death and fear to emerge stronger because of, and on occasion in spite of, their love for each other. She likes to torture people, make them suffer, and if they’re strong enough, they live happily ever after.
The author of THE GREEN-EYED DOLL, THE LAST EXECUTION, and soon to be released, SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME, Jerrie and her husband live in Texas. She loves sunshine, children’s laughter, sugar (human and granulated), and researching for her heroes and heroines.
Social media links: -
Buy links: The Last Execution
Buy links: The Green-Eyed Doll
Saturday, May 4, 2013
T is for Traveling Home
I'm sitting here at the Kansas City Sheraton reflecting on the last week of meet and greets, craft workshops and meals with friends. Some of these people I've known for years on the internet. Some are new friends in every sense. What a remarkable week of expanding my boundaries, and keeping some boundaries in check.
It won't be hard for me to go back home. I miss my husband, my writing corner, my gardens, the sunshine and that beautiful space that I call my sanctuary, where all the beautiful stories are created. I'd forgotten how much my routine, my sense of place and belonging was to me -- and I'm not complaining. Just noticing how I miss the things I have and do every day. That great old country song comes to mind, How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?
My travels have exposed me to people I would not ordinarily sit and talk to. And we're all storytellers, so the stories are rich. We have new projects planned and this year will be a first for me with hopefully three nice collaborations. I'll be in three collections. More to come.
I'm reminded about what I do because of all these fantastic posters plastered around the lobby, the Mezzanine, and wrapped around the elevator doors. but I miss the two story living and dining room at my house, with the windows reflecting sunsets, and the three beautiful ledges of hand blown glass we've chosen. I am very much about the place. And my place feels like a church. The music I play echoes throughout the house, especially when I am all alone. If I'm not brought to tears every hour, my writing isn't good enough.

I need my fix of the familiar so I can bring all the great success and ideas home and tend them in my writing garden.
It's only been eleven months since I've been able to really call my writing income enough to live on. And last night I got to sit with and talk to people who have done that ten, maybe thirty times over. Wow. Not about all the money. I think about all the fans, the people who got to read such compelling stories. I got to talk to another Indie writer this week who actually has sold 100,000 copies a day for almost a whole month. Excuse me while I bow.
One day, I'll have one of these cool elevator wraps. I'll be flooded at a bookstore signing. I'll have a fan page with 20,000 people on it. But I'll still be the same lady who likes to get dirty in her garden, who writes the kinds of stories I would like to sit down, cuddle up with, and fantasize about. The reality of what I do during the day gives me this fantasy I've earned.
I'll be finishing the A-Z Challenge and, just like Vince Lombardi said it, "I never lost a game, I only ran out of time." My A-Z Challenge will end sometime this week.
And that's okay.
I think this link still works: Don't forget to catch the other A-Z Blog participants by clicking here.
My travels have exposed me to people I would not ordinarily sit and talk to. And we're all storytellers, so the stories are rich. We have new projects planned and this year will be a first for me with hopefully three nice collaborations. I'll be in three collections. More to come.

I need my fix of the familiar so I can bring all the great success and ideas home and tend them in my writing garden.
It's only been eleven months since I've been able to really call my writing income enough to live on. And last night I got to sit with and talk to people who have done that ten, maybe thirty times over. Wow. Not about all the money. I think about all the fans, the people who got to read such compelling stories. I got to talk to another Indie writer this week who actually has sold 100,000 copies a day for almost a whole month. Excuse me while I bow.

I'll be finishing the A-Z Challenge and, just like Vince Lombardi said it, "I never lost a game, I only ran out of time." My A-Z Challenge will end sometime this week.
And that's okay.
I think this link still works: Don't forget to catch the other A-Z Blog participants by clicking here.
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