you have read her current release, Conquest (My Vampire Lover #1), you have
seen the excitement this 2,500 word short story has started for her series. She's gotten some great reviews and
some not so great reviews. But all are
ready for more of Caroline and Raphael’s story.
And that is great to see. I asked
Victoria to share an excerpt from Redemption for my blog today.
About the Author
Embers splits her time between being a stay-at-home mom and reading paranormal
romance. She believes good romance should make you purr while good steamy
romance should make you scream, but in a good way of course. Embracing her love
of vampires and werewolves and the naughty situations they find themselves in,
she's currently writing a novella series called My Vampire Lover with a blend
of paranormal romance, fantasy, and erotica featuring, you guessed it, vampires
and werewolves.
current series, My Vampire Lover includes:
- Conquest (My Vampire Lover #1) -
Released Nov 2012
- Redemption (My Vampire Lover #2) -
Released Feb 2013
- Day of Reckoning (My Vampire Lover
#3) - Late May 2013

can read Conquest
(My Vampire Lover Part #1) for Free on Amazon. Victoria included the first
two chapters of Redemption in the free download as well.
About Conquest (My Vampire
Lover Part #1)
a werewolf and princess of the Golden realm, has discovered a new love in her
vampire captor. She's willing to risk everything, even her life, to prove to
him she loves him and has forsaken all others including her family and her
About Redemption (My
Vampire Lover Part #2)
Caroline fell for her vampire lover, she met Raphael, a warrior of the Dark
realm under difficult circumstances. Raphael's father, the dark lord Asmodeus
is killing off her family and presents Caroline as a pet to Raphael. Caroline
has secrets of her own and wonders if the vampire willing to help her escape an
enemy or friend? Realizing he must take action, Raphael works quickly to
persuade the werewolf beauty who has claimed his heart to leave with him at
once if he has a chance of setting her free. Amazon
Buy Link for Redemption.
What did you learn while writing Conquest and Redemption?
Because I write in the fantasy genre under
another name, I simply wanted to try something new. It wasn’t easy at first. I struggled greatly with trying to figure out
what I wanted to write about and if I really could write romance.
Releasing the short story, Conquest was a
smart idea and a totally bad idea. It
got my name out there, but it also anger people greatly that they didn’t have
more to read. The story was only 2,500
words. Don’t ask me what I was
thinking. Since releasing it in November
2012, it’s been downloaded as a free ebook some 60,000 times so I know people
are looking at it. I added the first two
chapters from Redemption to the short a few weeks ago and that seem to have
helped the negative complaints.
I’m anxious to see what interest Redemption
generates and see if readers like my version of paranormal romance. I watched so many of my favorite romance
files, read love poetry, and tried my best to really think about the concept of
‘true love’ and not letting an opportunity for love pass you by. That was my focus. It was great fun and I hope to be writing
another novella in the series for a May release. We’ll see how it all goes.
What is the theme of the
overall series, My Vampire Lover?
love the romance novels where the lovers want to be together, but can’t. I like
the idea of Caroline and Raphael wanting to be together, but because they come
from different worlds it is a big struggle for them.
What inspires you to write?
I’m new to all of this. A friend suggested I sit down and write the story I
have been telling her and that’s what I’m doing. It’s a new adventure for me
and I’m very excited about doing something creative. Simply, I like to think of
this series as a love story I’m writing. Once I complete it, I’ll look to the
next story to write.
How many books to you
anticipate will be in this series?
4 novellas. I’ve already started work on My Vampire Lover Part #3 and hope to
have it out by the summer.
Do you like writing in
series, or single?
think I like the series approach, but I don’t think I’ll have a lot of books in
this series, My Vampire Lover. I may spin it off into another set of books for
the Dark Realm or Golden Realm. Those are my imaginary worlds where everything
takes place.
Did you get “the call” or
did you get the call to “go Indie?"
Indie all the way. I may someday submit a book to a traditional publisher but I
love the freedom being Indie gives me.
If you could have a date
with one of your characters, which one would it be and why? Where would you go?
gosh, that’s easy. Raphael, the hero in my series, My Vampire Lover. He is
tall, dark, handsome, but has a sweet heart and wants to do what’s right. I
like to tell my writing friends who know who Jimmy Thomas is, the male romance
cover model that Raphael is Jimmy with blue contact lenses. {Insert wicked grin
here.} You know what I mean, Sharon, your covers feature Jimmy Thomas and they
are all gorgeous covers.
Who are your favorite
have dozens I could name. Maybe a few would be Anne Rice, James Joyce, and my
fellow writing friends who are new authors like me, Alexandra Anthony and
Catherine Wolffe. They support me a lot.
What are you working on now?
actually working on my next part of my fantasy series, the Vampire from Hell.
Some readers know what pen name I write under, and that this one is my new jump
into erotic romance. I don’t share it to everyone, but some are catching on. I
throw hints out now and again J I’m also working on the next Vampire Lover story that I
want to release in May of this year.
Thanks for letting me be on your blog today,
Sharon. I really appreciate it! Everyone be sure to leave a comment after you
read the excerpt. I love getting feedback!
EXCERPT from Redemption
(The following excerpt is acceptable for all audiences.)
Raphael led me through a secret door in
the closet of his bedroom I was surprised I had not found. We followed a long staircase down along a
cave made of red stone that was hot to the touch. I felt clumsy and awkward wearing his
oversized clothes, which consisted of a dark green jacket, a black long-sleeve
shirt I tied into a knot at my waist, matching jeans and boots, and a knit cap
he requested I stuff my hair under. As
the delight of smelling his masculine scent on the articles of clothing washed
over me, I tried my best to focus on the steps and stay close behind him so I
wouldn’t fall against the wall. Once the
staircase ended, we stood before a four-foot steel door that didn’t seem to
have a doorknob.
“How are we going to get through that?” I
asked, motioning to him that both of us were taller than four feet.
For some reason, he found my question
amusing. “Like this,” he replied.
Suddenly he vanished before my eyes. All I could see was an immense cloud of blue
smoke. Then I heard Raphael’s
voice. “I’ll open the door from the other
When the door flew open, he stood there,
fully clothed in his long black trench coat, T-shirt, jeans, and leather boots
like nothing had happened.
“Now that’s some trick.”
“I’ve got a few up my sleeve.” He locked the door, checking the hinges and
making sure all the corners of it remained secure. I admired his magnificent stature in the dim
light. As I glanced around to see where
the light source was coming from, I realized it was from a red moon that peeked
out occasionally from behind dark clouds.
“I’ve never seen a red moon,” I
commented, not really expecting a reply.
“I wouldn’t expect so. We’re near the center of the Earth.” He paused for a moment and studied me. “Have you been to the center of the Earth?”
“No,” I replied, hoping I sounded
He continued. “Have your eyes adjusted yet?”
Why?” I asked.
He nodded. “We have a long distance to cover
quickly. I want to make sure you can
keep up.”
“I can keep up, fanger.” My mother’s blind arrogance immediately
flared up in me, a trait I instantly regretted showing off.
His pleasant disposition turned
dark. Momentarily, I took a step
backwards, waiting to see what he’d do next.
Being low on energy, I’d be unable to summon the Wolf in a moment’s
notice if he attacked me.
“Let’s get something straight, Caroline,”
he said.
“I meant no offense,” I offered gently,
hoping to derail a fight. I needed this man on my side.
He sighed loudly and gathered my hands up
in his. The warmth of his touch startled
me and I felt that spark again. Weren’t vampires ice cold to the touch? I studied his hands enveloping mine for a
moment. In the low light, I couldn’t see
the details of his wonderful large hands, but I felt the strength, the raw
energy charging through them. I was
helpless to move as he towered over me and held me in his clutches. For a fleeting moment, fear surfaced in the
back of my throat. I wanted to scream,
yank my hands away, even if I didn’t flee with both of them. I wanted to tell this vampire I needed no
one’s help, especially his. I was on a
mission. I had to avenge my brother’s
death. And yet, I couldn’t move. His presence overwhelmed me. His touch soothed me. His brooding stare mesmerized me. He was the essence of the Legend of Vampyre I
had read about, the stories my aunt had shared with me as a child. She favored all supernatural creatures that
fought for the well-being of others, not the demons who only understood pain,
torture, and death. Unfortunately, I had
no understanding of that while my younger brother had learned firsthand what
the demons would do, but this vampire was different. In the short time I had known him, I already
understood that. Aunt Elizabeth’s words
filtered through my mind. “We have a lot to learn from them as well,
“I know we don’t have much time, so I’d
like to ask for your respect. I actually
need your help. If you want to get out
of here, I would expect you’d want to help me, right?”
“I was rude. I shouldn’t have…” Raphael cut me off, continuing his dialogue.
“Yes, I’m a fanger, but there is a
difference between me and the demons here.
The people who will set you free are fangers too. They fight for good, not evil. I fight for good. You must understand that now. Just because you’re a princess of the Golden
Realm doesn’t mean you are the only one fighting for good. We’re here, in the trenches every day,
fighting for our salvation and yours, for the humanity of our worlds. If the Dark realm ever infests the Golden
realm and extinguishes the Light, it’ll be all over. Surely you can understand that, Caroline?”
Hearing his declarations of justice
astounded me. I had found an ally and I
understood his concerns only too well.
He didn’t know it, but we were on the same side. He’s
one of us, I told the Wolf. My heart
exploded a second time. Each time he
addressed me by my name, it collapsed my very soul. This vampire who I had known for as many
hours as I could count on one hand spoke to me as an equal. Me, the kidnapped princess. Me, the assassin seeking revenge. I wasn’t as innocent as I wanted Raphael to
believe. And he wasn’t as haughty as I
wanted to presume him to be. I was a
princess of a realm that held few joys for me since losing my brother and
aunt. A realm that was in trouble
because of my father’s grief. His heart
was growing darker by the day, and I knew I had to stop him. It was true, what my aunt had said to me the
last days of her life. He’d follow my
mother to a very dark place if someone did not stop them. And that would mean war. My world wasn’t so different from this
vampire’s. Perhaps the Moon Goddess did
have a plan for me after all, as my aunt had said.
Find the Author
Victoria's blog
- http://victoriaembers.wordpress.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/victoria.embers
Twitter -
My Vampire Lover
series on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/MyVampireLoverSeriesByVictoriaEmbers
Buy Links:
Conquest (FREE)– http://www.amazon.com/Conquest-Vampire-Novella-Sample-ebook/dp/B00A8PYYOA/ref=la_B00A8YDFK0_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1361722793&sr=1-2
Thank you, Victoria. I am chillingly attracted to your Alpha vamps and the world you've built. I can tell, our paths will cross many, many times, over many, many lifetimes!!