Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just Another Writers Day at Starbucks

Okay, I couldn't resist. I'm sitting at the corner table I love, typing away on my WIP and I see a group of young people getting ready to enter Starbucks. I thought perhaps they were some sort of singing group, hired to wish someone a Happy Birthday or ask for someone's hand in marriage. Well, I am a romance writer, after all. I was thinking of all sorts of storylines.

Whatever they were there for, I had to have my picture taken with them. They were game. We got a barista to do the honors and, voila!

There are lots of things I like about living in California. Lately, there are lots of things I don't like about living in California.

So, on a day when I was working hard at my craft, God gave me this little dose of levity to take me away from missing my daughter, wondering when my contract will come, and hoping either Amazon or B&N will bring me some great news (like 3000 books have sold today).

Today, just for today, I was happy to be living in California.

The kids? They were on their way to a costume party they attend every year in Occidental. Who said you couldn't dress up in August? Oh the rules! Don't get me started about the rules.

I hope they had a wonderful time. I know I did.


  1. Great post, Sharon!! So glad you were out getting your writing on!! I need some of your mojo!!

  2. Mojo I got. Lots of words, no. But I'm working on it. Nice to see you, Laura.
